Adds specified local files or directories to the ZIP archive.

Namespace:  Rebex.IO.Compression
Assembly:  Rebex.Zip (in Rebex.Zip.dll)


Visual Basic
Public Function Add ( _
	sourcePathOrMask As String _
) As ArchiveOperationResult
public ArchiveOperationResult Add(
	string sourcePathOrMask


Type: System..::..String
Path (with or without a mask) to an external (local) file or directory.

Return Value

Operation result.


System..::..ArgumentNullExceptionsourcePathOrMask is null.
System..::..ArgumentExceptionThe specified path is empty or contains invalid characters. -or- Illegal use of wildcards in path. -or- The system could not retrieve the absolute path.
System..::..InvalidOperationExceptionArchive is not opened for writing. -or- sourcePathOrMask refers to the ZIP archive itself.
System..::..ObjectDisposedExceptionArchive was already disposed.
System..::..NotSupportedExceptionPath is in an invalid format.
System.IO..::..PathTooLongExceptionsourcePathOrMask exceeds the maximum length defined by system.
System.Security..::..SecurityExceptionThe caller does not have the required permissions.
System..::..UnauthorizedAccessExceptionAccess to the file is denied.
System.IO..::..IOExceptionAn I/O error occurred.
Rebex.IO.Compression..::..ZipExceptionCannot perform the requested operation, or the operation was canceled (see ProblemType for detailed information).

Version Information

.NET Compact Framework

Supported in: 3.9, 3.5

See Also