The MailSettings type exposes the following members.


Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkAllowOversizedLines
Allow parsing of oversized lines. Using this option is discouraged.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkAlwaysWriteContentTransferEncoding
Always write the content-transfer-encoding, even if it has default value of "7bit"
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkDisableEncryptionKeyPreference
Do not include encryption key preference attribute in signed message attributes.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkDisableSinglePartHtmlWorkaround
Disable a workaround for broken mail clients such as Mac mail that don't correctly parse HTML-only messages. By default, MailMessage class constructs a single-part multipart/alternative structure to solve this. This property turns off this behavior.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkDisableSMimeCapabilitiesAttribute
Do not include S/MIME options attribute in signed message attributes.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkDoNotAddDateIfNoSubjectAndFrom
Do not automatically add a date header if 'date', 'subject' or 'from' headers are missing from a top-level or embedded message.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkDoNotParseMimeTree
Ignore the MIME tree and parse the message as a single-level entity.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkDoNotQuoteProblematicSequences
Disable encoding of leading 'F', '.' and '-' character in body parts using quoted-printable content transfer encoding. These leading characters used to cause problems to legacy mail transfer agents, so quoted-printable-encoding them was used as a workaround that doesn't cause any problems to properly-implemented mail agents.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkDoNotTrimHeaderValues
Instructs the MIME header parser not to trim MIME headers while parsing them.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIgnoreInvalidTnefMessages
Ignore invalid TNEF (winmail.dat) attachments when parsing mail message.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIgnoreMsgTransportHeaders
Ignore TransportMessageHeaders field when loading .msg file. If set to true, some fields are taken directly from the .msg structure instead of the TransportMessageHeaders field. The affected fields are: Sender, From, To, CC, Bcc, Subject, Date, MessageId. Any MIME headers stored in TransportMessageHeaders field are not loaded either.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIgnoreUnparsableHeaders
Ignore unparsable headers when parsing mail message.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIgnoreUnparsableSignatures
Ignore unparsable S/MIME signature entities when parsing mail message.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkLoadMsgProperties
Load Outlook MSG properties into custom MIME headers. All these MIME headers start with X-Outlook- string.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkOnlyParseHeaders
Only parse message headers and ignore the body.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkPreferExplicitBody
Prefer BodyText and BodyHtml to be taken from its original .msg message fields. Default is false, which means BodyText and BodyHtml are taken from BodyRtf if possible (if embedded).
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkProcessAllHeaders
Parse and reencode all headers, even when not needed or modified.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkRtfMode
The mode to process RTF in mails.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkSkipCertificateUsageCheck
Skip certificate usage check.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkSkipSenderCheck
Skip sender check.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkSkipTnefMessageProcessing
Skip TNEF (winmail.dat) attachment processing. If specified, the 'winmail.dat' attachment is not processed at all.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkTreatMixedInlineAsAttachment
Treat sub-entities of 'multipart/mixed' as attachments even if their Content-Disposition is 'inline'.

See Also