The SubjectInfo type exposes the following members.


Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCertificate
Gets the certificate associated with the signer or recipient, or null if not available.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCertificateChain
Gets the certificate chain associated with the signer or recipient, or null if not available.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkDigestAlgorithm
Gets the digest algorithm used to produce a signature. Only set for signers, not for recipients.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkEncryptionParameters
Gets mail encryption parameters. Only set for recipients of encrypted mail.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIdentifier
Gets the identifier of the signer or recipient
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkSignatureParameters
Gets mail signature parameters. Only set for senders of signed mail.

See Also