The SshSession type exposes the following members.


Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkAuthenticated Obsolete.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCipher
Gets the active cipher.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkConnected Obsolete.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkEncoding
Gets or sets the Encoding to use to encode and decode command parameters and server responses.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkFingerprint
Gets the server public key fingerprint.
Protected propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkHasAuthenticationRequestEventHandler
Gets a value indicating whether the AuthenticationRequest event is registered.
Protected propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkHasFingerprintEventHandler
Gets a value indicating whether the FingerprintCheck event is registered.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkHasForwardingRequestEventHandler
Gets a value indicating whether the ForwardingRequest event is registered.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkInformation
Gets socket information on the underlying socket object.
Protected propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkInstanceId
Gets instance ID (intended for logging purposes).
(Inherited from NetworkSession.)
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIsAuthenticated
Gets a value indicating whether the session is authenticated.
(Overrides NetworkSession..::..IsAuthenticated.)
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIsConnected
Gets a value indicating whether the session is connected.
(Overrides NetworkSession..::..IsConnected.)
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkLocalEndPoint
Gets the local endpoint.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkLogWriter
Gets or sets the LogWriter used by this object.
(Inherited from NetworkSession.)
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkOptions
Gets or sets SshSession options.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkParameters
Gets or sets the security parameters of the current socket.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkRemoteEndPoint
Gets the remote endpoint.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkServerIdentification
Gets the server's identification string it returns after connected.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkServerInfo
Gets information about SSH negotiation.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkServerKey
Gets the server public key.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkServerName
Gets the server name, if available.
(Inherited from NetworkSession.)
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkServerPort
Gets the server port, if available.
(Inherited from NetworkSession.)
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkSocket
Gets the internal ISocket value.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkState
Gets the current session state.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkTimeout
Gets or sets the length of time before the operation times out (specify -1 or 0 to indicate that the request does not time out).
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkUserName
Gets the authenticated user name, if available.
(Inherited from NetworkSession.)

See Also