
  Class Description
Public class CertificateRequestHandler
Provides a set of common certificate request handlers.
Public class CertificateVerifier
Provides a set of common verifiers.
Public class Daytime
Provides methods for communication with DAYTIME servers (RFC 867).
Public class DnsEndPoint
Represents a hostname:port endpoint.
Public class Ews
Provides methods for communication with Exchange Web Service.
Public class EwsAttachmentId
Represents an Exchange attachment ID. Attachment is not an item in EWS notation.
Public class EwsAttachmentInfo
Represents an Exchange attachment.
Public class EwsCategoryCollection
Represents collection of categories on an EWS item.
Public class EwsDateTimeRange
Represents a time interval.
Public class EwsException
The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while using Ews component.
Public class EwsFlag
Represents an Exchange item flag.
Public class EwsFolderId
Represents an Exchange folder ID. Folder is not an item in EWS notation.
Public class EwsFolderInfo
Represents an Exchange folder.
Public class EwsImpersonation
Contains information about impersonated account.
Public class EwsItemCollection
Represents a strongly typed collection of EwsItemInfo objects.
Public class EwsItemId
Represents an Exchange item ID.
Public class EwsItemInfo
Represents an Exchange item.
Public class EwsItemMetadata
Represents an item metadata which can be used to update an item using the UpdateItem(EwsItemId, EwsItemMetadata) method. See also class.
Public class EwsItemReadFlagInfo
Contains information about IsRead flag of an EWS item.
Public class EwsListView
Class that contains sorting and paging definition for listing operations.
Public class EwsMessageBody
Represents a message body.
Public class EwsMessageCollection
Represents a strongly typed collection of EwsMessageInfo objects.
Public class EwsMessageInfo
Represents an Exchange message.
Public class EwsMessageMetadata
Represents a message metadata which can be used to update a message using the UpdateItem(EwsItemId, EwsItemMetadata) method.
Public class EwsPageView
Provides data for paging functionality.
Public class EwsPageViewResult
Provides values for paged results.
Public class EwsResolvedName
Provides values for the result of the ResolveNames(String) method.
Public class EwsSearchParameter
Represents a single EWS search criterion.
Public class EwsServerInfo
Provides version information about connected and authenticated Exchange server.
Public class EwsSettings
Specifies various EWS settings.
Public class EwsSortParameter
EWS sorting parameter to be used with EwsListView.
Public class EwsUpdatedFoldersInfo
Contains result information about updated folders.
Public class EwsUpdatedItemsInfo
Contains result information about updated items.
Public class EwsUpdatesInfo<(Of <(<'TInfo, TId>)>)>
Contains result information about updated entries.
Public class FileTransferClient
This class is based on IFtp interface and provide common functionality for FTP, FTP/SSL and SFTP protocols.
Public class FileTransferSettings
Specifies various settings for FileTransferClient.
Public class ForwardingRequestEventArgs
Provides data for the ForwardingRequest event.
Public class Ftp
Provides methods for communication with FTP servers.
Public class FtpBatchTransferException Obsolete.
Public class FtpBatchTransferProblemDetectedEventArgs
Provides data for the BatchTransferProgress event.
Public class FtpBatchTransferProgressEventArgs
Provides data for the BatchTransferProgress event.
Public class FtpCommandSentEventArgs
Provides data for the CommandSent event.
Public class FtpConnectionState
Represents the Ftp object connection state.
Public class FtpDeleteProgressChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the DeleteProgressChanged event.
Public class FtpException
The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while using Ftp component.
Public class FtpItem
Contains information about a single file or directory on the FTP server.
Public class FtpItemCollection
Provides a container for a collection of FtpItem objects.
Public class FtpItemComparer Obsolete.
Public class FtpItemParseEventArgs
Provides data for the ItemParse event.
Public class FtpListItemReceivedEventArgs
Provides data for the ListItemReceived event.
Public class FtpProblemDetectedEventArgs
Provides data for the ProblemDetected event.
Public class FtpProxy
Proxy settings for Ftp class.
Public class FtpResponse
Contains the response of the FTP server.
Public class FtpResponseReadEventArgs
Provides data for the ResponseRead event.
Public class FtpSettings
Specifies various FTP settings.
Public class FtpStateChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the StateChanged event.
Public class FtpTlsDebugEventArgs Obsolete.
Public class FtpTransferProgressEventArgs
Provides data for the TransferProgress event.
Public class FtpTransferProgressChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the TransferProgressChanged event.
Public class FtpTraversingEventArgs
Provides data for the Traversing event.
Public class FtpWebRequest
Provides an FTP-specific implementation of the WebRequest class.
Public class FtpWebResponse
Provides an FTP-specific implementation of the WebResponse class.
Public class GssApiProvider
Encapsulates GSSAPI provider information.
Public class HttpRequest
This class represents HTTP and HTTPS requests.
Public class HttpRequestCreator
Implements an interface for creating HTTP requests.
Public class HttpResponse
This class represents HTTP and HTTPS responses.
Public class HttpSettings
Specifies various HTTP/HTTPS settings.
Public class Imap
Provides methods for communication with IMAP servers. Supported IMAP versions are IMAP4 and IMAP4rev1.
Public class ImapCommandSentEventArgs
Provides data for the CommandSent event.
Public class ImapConnectionState
Represents the Imap object connection state.
Public class ImapCopyResult
A result of the CopyMessage method. Contains the source and target unique IDs and can map between them.
Public class ImapException
The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while using Imap component.
Public class ImapFolder
Represents an IMAP folder.
Public class ImapFolderCollection
Provides a container for a collection of ImapFolder objects.
Public class ImapMessage
Provides data for handling messages received by the GetMessages method.
Public class ImapMessageCollection
Provides a container for a collection of ImapMessageInfo objects.
Public class ImapMessageInfo
Contains information about a single mail message on the IMAP server.
Public class ImapMessageInfoComparer
Class used to compare ImapMessageInfo objects.
Public class ImapMessagePart
Represents information about message part (body view, attachment or linked resource).
Public class ImapMessageSet
Represents either a set of message unique IDs or a set of sequence numbers.
Public class ImapNotificationEventArgs
Provides data for the Notification event.
Public class ImapResponse
Contains the response of the IMAP server.
Public class ImapResponseLine
Contains a single line of the IMAP response.
Public class ImapResponseReadEventArgs
Provides data for the ResponseRead event.
Public class ImapSearchParameter
Represents a single IMAP search criterion.
Public class ImapSettings
Specifies various IMAP settings.
Public class ImapStateChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the StateChanged event.
Public class ImapTransferProgressEventArgs
Provides data for the TransferProgress event.
Public class ListItemReceivedEventArgs
Provides data for the ListItemReceived event.
Public class NetworkSession
A base class from which all Rebex session-based network protocol objects derive.
Public class NetworkSessionException
The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while using a Rebex network component.
Public class Ntp
Provides methods for communication with NTP servers. Supported protocol versions are 3 and 4.
Public class NtpException
Represents an NTP/SNTP error.
Public class NtpPacket
Represents a NTP packet.
Public class NtpResponse
Represents a NTP response.
Public class Pop3
Provides methods for communication with POP3 servers.
Public class Pop3CommandSentEventArgs
Provides data for the CommandSent event.
Public class Pop3ConnectionState
Represents the Pop3 object connection state.
Public class Pop3Exception
The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while using Pop3 component.
Public class Pop3MessageCollection
Provides a container for a collection of Pop3MessageInfo objects.
Public class Pop3MessageInfo
Contains information about a single mail message on the POP3 server.
Public class Pop3MessageInfoComparer
Class used to compare Pop3MessageInfo objects.
Public class Pop3ResponseReadEventArgs
Provides data for the ResponseRead event.
Public class Pop3Settings
Specifies various POP3 settings.
Public class Pop3StateChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the StateChanged event.
Public class Pop3TransferProgressEventArgs
Provides data for the TransferProgress event.
Public class PortRange
Represents a TCP/IP port range.
Public class Proxy
Contains proxy settings for a socket connection.
Public class ProxySocket
Implements the subset of the Berkeley sockets interface; adds the ability to connect through SOCKS4/SOCKS5 and HTTP proxies.
Public class ProxySocketException
The exception that is thrown when a proxy error or socket error occurs.
Public class Scp
Provides methods for communication using SCP.
Public class ScpBatchTransferProgressEventArgs
Provides data for the BatchTransferProgress event.
Public class ScpException
The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while using Scp component.
Public class ScpSettings
Specifies various SCP settings.
Public class ScpTransferProgressEventArgs
Provides data for the TransferProgress event.
Public class Sftp
Provides methods for communication with SFTP servers.
Public class SftpAttributes
Encapsulates file or directory attributes such as user and group id, permissions and modify time.
Public class SftpBatchTransferException Obsolete.
Public class SftpBatchTransferProblemDetectedEventArgs
Provides data for the BatchTransferProblemDetected event.
Public class SftpBatchTransferProgressEventArgs
Provides data for the BatchTransferProgress event.
Public class SftpCommandSentEventArgs
Provides data for the CommandSent event.
Public class SftpConnectionState
Represents the Sftp object connection state.
Public class SftpDeleteProgressChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the DeleteProgressChanged event.
Public class SftpException
The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while using Sftp component.
Public class SftpFileSystemInfo
File system information returned by GetFileSystemInfo(String) method.
Public class SftpItem
Contains information about a single file or directory on the SFTP server.
Public class SftpItemCollection
Provides a container for a collection of SftpItem objects.
Public class SftpItemComparer Obsolete.
Public class SftpListItemReceivedEventArgs
Provides data for the ListItemReceived event.
Public class SftpProblemDetectedEventArgs
Provides data for the ProblemDetected event.
Public class SftpResponseReadEventArgs
Provides data for the ResponseRead event.
Public class SftpSettings
Specifies various SFTP settings.
Public class SftpStateChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the StateChanged event.
Public class SftpTransferProgressEventArgs
Provides data for the TransferProgress event.
Public class SftpTransferProgressChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the TransferProgressChanged event.
Public class SftpTraversingEventArgs
Provides data for the Traversing event.
Public class Smtp
Provides methods for communication with SMTP servers.
Public class SmtpCommandSentEventArgs
Provides data for the CommandSent event.
Public class SmtpConfiguration
Represents configuration settings for one of the Smtp object's static Send methods.
Public class SmtpConnectionState
Represents the Smtp object connection state.
Public class SmtpException
The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while using Smtp component.
Public class SmtpRejectedRecipient
Represents a recipient rejected by the SMTP server.
Public class SmtpRejectedRecipientEventArgs
Provides data for the RejectedRecipient event.
Public class SmtpResponse
Contains the response of the SMTP server.
Public class SmtpResponseReadEventArgs
Provides data for the ResponseRead event.
Public class SmtpSendingMessageEventArgs
Provides data for the SendingMessage event.
Public class SmtpSettings
Specifies various Smtp settings.
Public class SmtpStateChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the StateChanged event.
Public class SmtpTransferProgressEventArgs
Provides data for the TransferProgress event.
Public class SocketInformation
Information about a socket.
Public class Ssh
Provides methods for communication with SSH shell servers.
Public class SshAuthenticationRequestEventArgs
Provides data for the AuthenticationRequest event.
Public class SshAuthenticationRequestItem
Represents one question/answer pair for the AuthenticationRequest event.
Public class SshAuthenticationRequestItemCollection
Collection of SshAuthenticationRequestItem objects.
Public class SshCipher
Represents an SSH cipher.
Public class SshConnectionState
Represents the Ssh object connection state.
Public class SshException
The exception that is thrown when an SSH error occurs.
Public class SshExtendedDataReceivedEventArgs
Provides data for the ExtendedDataReceived event.
Public class SshFingerprint
Represents the server public key fingerprint.
Public class SshFingerprintEventArgs
Provides data for the FingerprintCheck event.
Public class SshForwardingHandle
Represents a single TCP forwarding rule.
Public class SshGssApiCredentials
Encapsulates GSSAPI credentials and preferred authentication mechanisms. Only supported on Windows and partially on Mono.
Public class SshChannel
Represents an SSH channel.
Public class SshChannelExitStatus
Channel exit status.
Public class SshMessageEventArgs
Provides data for the BannerReceived event.
Public class SshParameters
Security parameters.
Public class SshPrivateKey
Represents SSH private key (RSA, DSA, EcDSA, EdDSA, certificate-based). Private key data also includes the public key.
Public class SshPublicKey
Represents SSH public key (RSA, DSA, EcDSA, EdDSA, certificate-based).
Public class SshServerInfo
Information about SSH negotiation.
Public class SshSession
Represents a client-side SSH 2.0 session.
Public class SshSettings
Specifies various SSH settings.
Public class SshTunnel
Represents an active SSH tunnel.
Public class SshTunnelErrorEventArgs
Provides data for the TunnelError event.
Public class SslCertificateValidationEventArgs
Provides data for custom server certificate check events.
Public class SslSettings
Specifies various client-side TLS/SSL settings.
Public class Telnet
Provides methods for communication with Telnet servers.
Public class TelnetException
The exception that is thrown when a Telnet error occurs.
Public class TelnetSettings
Specifies various Telnet settings.
Public class Time
Provides methods for communication with TIME servers (RFC 868).
Public class TimeBase
Base class for TIME, DAYTIME and NTP/SNTP clients.
Public class TimeException
Represents a TIME, DAYTIME or NTP/SNTP error.
Public class TlsCipher
Represents a TLS/SSL cipher.
Public class TlsClientHelloReceivedEventArgs
Provides data for custom TLS ClientHello event handler.
Public class TlsClientSettings
Represents options for AuthenticateAsClient(TlsClientSettings) method. For additional TLS settings, see Parameters()()()().
Public class TlsClientSocket
Represents a client-side TLS-enabled TCP socket.
Public class TlsDebugEventArgs Obsolete.
Public class TlsException
The exception that is thrown when a TLS/SSL error occurs.
Public class TlsParameters
Security parameters.
Public class TlsServerSettings
Represents options for AuthenticateAsServer(TlsServerSettings) method. For additional TLS settings, see Parameters()()()().
Public class TlsServerSocket
Represents a server-side TLS-enabled TCP socket.
Public class TlsSession
Represents a cached TLS/SSL session.
Public class TlsSocket
Represents a TLS/SSL-enabled TCP socket.
Public class WebClient
Provides simple methods to upload and download data from HTTP/HTTPS servers.
Public class WebClientProgressChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the DownloadProgressChanged event.
Public class WebSocketClient
WebSocket client API.
Public class WebSocketClientOptions
Client-side settings for WebSocket communication.
Public class WebSocketClientSettings
Specifies various WebSocket settings.
Public class WebSocketException
Represents a WebSocket error.
Public class WebSocketReceiveResult
Result of a call to Receive<(Of <<'(T>)>>)()()()() or equivalent method.


  Structure Description
Public structure NtpTimestamp
NTP timestamp implementation for Ntp. This is a value type.
Public structure NtpTimestampDifference
The difference between two NtpTimestamp values. This is a value type.


  Interface Description
Public interface ICertificateRequestHandler
Defines an interface for a certificate request handlers used to select a client certificate to be used to authenticate to a TLS/SSL server. The CertificateRequestHandler class provides several common verifiers.
Public interface ICertificateVerifier
Defines an interface for a certificate verifiers used to verify TLS/SSL server certificates. The CertificateVerifier class provides several common verifiers.
Public interface IFtp
An interface which defines common functionality shared by FTP and SFTP protocols.
Public interface IFtpSettings
An interface which defines common options for IFtp interface.
Public interface ISocket
Defines a generalized socket API.
Public interface ISocketExt
Public interface ISocketFactory
Defines a method to create a an instance of the generalized ISocket interface.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration DeliveryStatusNotificationConditions
Specifies the conditions under which the SMTP server should generate and send DSN messages.
Public enumeration DeliveryStatusNotificationOriginalMessageMethod
Specifies whether a SMTP server should attach the entire original message or its headers only to DSN messages.
Public enumeration EwsAuthentication
Defines EWS authentication methods.
Public enumeration EwsBodyFormat
Defines message body formats.
Public enumeration EwsDeleteMode
Defines delete operation mode.
Public enumeration EwsDeleteScope
Defines which content should be deleted by DeleteFolderContent(EwsFolderId, EwsDeleteScope) operation.
Public enumeration EwsExceptionStatus
Defines status codes for the Status property.
Public enumeration EwsFlagStatus
Describes status of the flag of an item on Exchange server.
Public enumeration EwsIndexOrigin
Defines origins for the indexed page view.
Public enumeration EwsItemFields
Defines sets of EWS item fields which are requested to be retrieved from the Exchange server when getting info about item(s).
Public enumeration EwsItemFormat
Defines item export formats.
Public enumeration EwsItemImportance
Defines item importance values.
Public enumeration EwsItemSensitivity
Defines item sensitivity values.
Public enumeration EwsItemSortBy
Defines available sorting properties that can be used in GetItemInfo(EwsItemId) and GetMessageInfo(EwsItemId).
Public enumeration EwsItemSortOrder
Defines sorting order of retrieved Ews items. Valid for GetItemInfo(EwsItemId) and GetMessageInfo(EwsItemId).
Public enumeration EwsItemType
Defines types of Exchange items.
Public enumeration EwsMessageType
Defines message types.
Public enumeration EwsSpecialFolder
Defines distinguished exchange folder names.
Public enumeration EwsTraversalScope
Defines modes for traversing folders.
Public enumeration FileTransferMode
Distinguishes the file transfer protocol.
Public enumeration FtpActionOnExistingFiles
Specifies the default action to perform when a target file already exists. However, the default action can still be changed using the ProblemDetected event.
Public enumeration FtpBatchTransferAction
Specifies the action to resolve the current problem detected using the BatchTransferProblemDetected event.
Public enumeration FtpBatchTransferOperation
Currently executed operation of the multi-file method.
Public enumeration FtpBatchTransferOptions
Public enumeration FtpBatchTransferProblemType
Detailed specification of a problem that occurred during the multi-file transfer.
Public enumeration FtpConnection
Public enumeration FtpExceptionStatus
Defines status codes for the FtpException class.
Public enumeration FtpExtensions
FTP extensions.
Public enumeration FtpChecksumType
Type of checksum.
Public enumeration FtpItemComparerType Obsolete.
Public enumeration FtpItemPermissions
Unix file permissions.
Public enumeration FtpItemType
Type of FtpItem.
Public enumeration FtpListingType
Type of file and directory listing.
Public enumeration FtpOptions
Public enumeration FtpProxyAuthentication
Type of proxy server authentication.
Public enumeration FtpProxyType
Type of proxy to use to connect to the network.
Public enumeration FtpSecureUpgradeType
Type of TLS/SSL initialization.
Public enumeration FtpSecurity Obsolete.
Public enumeration FtpState
State of the Ftp object.
Public enumeration FtpTransferMode
Transfer mode.
Public enumeration FtpTransferState
State of the FTP transfer.
Public enumeration FtpTransferType
Transfer type.
Public enumeration ImapAuthentication
IMAP authentication methods.
Public enumeration ImapExceptionStatus
Defines status codes for the ImapException class.
Public enumeration ImapExtensions
IMAP extensions.
Public enumeration ImapFlagAction
Public enumeration ImapFolderListMode
Specifies which folders to include in a list returned by GetFolderList()()()() method.
Public enumeration ImapFolderSpecialUse
Specifies special use flags for extended LIST command (RFC 6154) or XLIST extension.
Public enumeration ImapListFields
Specifies what information to include in a message list.
Public enumeration ImapMessageFlags
IMAP message flags.
Public enumeration ImapMessageInfoComparerType
List of possible compare types for the ImapMessageInfoComparer class.
Public enumeration ImapMessagePartKind
Specifies IMAP message part kind.
Public enumeration ImapNotification
Defines notification messages that can be received from the server using the Notification event.
Public enumeration ImapOptions
Public enumeration ImapResponseCode
Represents possible IMAP response codes.
Public enumeration ImapSearchParameterType
Type of the ImapSearchParameter node.
Public enumeration ImapSecurity Obsolete.
Public enumeration ImapState
State of the Imap object.
Public enumeration ImapTransferState
State of the IMAP transfer.
Public enumeration NetworkSessionExceptionStatus
Defines status codes for the NetworkSessionException class.
Public enumeration NtpLeapIndicator
NTP leap second indicator used by NtpPacket.
Public enumeration NtpMode
NTP modes (non-reserved only) used by NtpPacket.
Public enumeration Pop3Authentication
POP3 authentication method.
Public enumeration Pop3ExceptionStatus
Defines status codes for the Pop3Exception class.
Public enumeration Pop3Extensions
POP3 extensions.
Public enumeration Pop3ListFields
Specifies what information to include in a message list.
Public enumeration Pop3MessageInfoComparerType
List of possible compare types for the Pop3MessageComparer class.
Public enumeration Pop3Options
Public enumeration Pop3Security Obsolete.
Public enumeration Pop3State
State of the Pop3 object.
Public enumeration Pop3TransferState
State of the POP3 transfer.
Public enumeration ProxyAuthentication
HTTP CONNECT proxy server authentication method.
Public enumeration ProxySocketExceptionStatus
Defines status codes for the ProxySocketException class.
Public enumeration ProxyType
Type of proxy to use to connect to the remote machine.
Public enumeration ScpBatchTransferOperation
Currently executed operation of the multi-file transfer.
Public enumeration ScpExceptionStatus
Defines status codes for the ScpException class.
Public enumeration ScpState
State of the Scp object.
Public enumeration ScpTransferState
State of the SCP transfer.
Public enumeration SftpActionOnExistingFiles
Specifies the default action to perform when a target file already exists. However, the default action can still be changed using the Sftp.BatchTransferProblemDetected event.
Public enumeration SftpBatchTransferAction
Specifies the action to resolve the current problem detected using the BatchTransferProblemDetected event.
Public enumeration SftpBatchTransferOperation
Currently executed operation of the multi-file transfer.
Public enumeration SftpBatchTransferOptions
Public enumeration SftpBatchTransferProblemType
Detailed specification of a problem that occurred during the multi-file transfer.
Public enumeration SftpErrorCode
SFTP internal error code.
Public enumeration SftpExceptionStatus
Defines status codes for the SftpException class.
Public enumeration SftpItemComparerType Obsolete.
Public enumeration SftpItemType
Type of SftpItem.
Public enumeration SftpOptions
Public enumeration SftpPermissions
SFTP/Unix file permissions.
Public enumeration SftpServerType
Server OS type.
Public enumeration SftpState
Public enumeration SftpTransferState
Public enumeration SftpTransferType
Transfer type.
Public enumeration SmtpAuthentication
SMTP client authentication method.
Public enumeration SmtpConfigurationSource
Configuration settings source.
Public enumeration SmtpDeliveryEngine
Mail delivery engine.
Public enumeration SmtpDeliveryMethod
Mail delivery method.
Public enumeration SmtpExceptionStatus
Defines status codes for the SmtpException class.
Public enumeration SmtpExtensions
SMTP extensions.
Public enumeration SmtpOptions
Public enumeration SmtpSecurity Obsolete.
Public enumeration SmtpState
State of the Smtp object.
Public enumeration SmtpTransferState
State of the SMTP transfer.
Public enumeration SocketSelectMode
Defines the polling modes for the Poll(Int32, SocketSelectMode) method.
Public enumeration SocketState
Defines all the possible states of an ISocket object.
Public enumeration SshAuthenticationMethod
Authentication method.
Public enumeration SshEncryptionAlgorithm
Encryption algorithm.
Public enumeration SshEncryptionMode
Encryption mode.
Public enumeration SshExceptionStatus
Defines status codes for the SshException class.
Public enumeration SshGssApiMechanisms
Defines supported GSSAPI mechanisms.
Public enumeration SshHostKeyAlgorithm
Host key algorithm.
Public enumeration SshChannelExtendedDataMode
Specifies how to tread extended channel data.
Public enumeration SshChannelState
SSH channel state.
Public enumeration SshChannelType
SSH channel type.
Public enumeration SshKeyExchangeAlgorithm
Key exchange algorithm.
Public enumeration SshMacAlgorithm
MAC algorithm.
Public enumeration SshOptions
SSH connection options.
Public enumeration SshPasswordChangeResult
Defines password change results.
Public enumeration SshPrivateKeyFormat
Specifies private key file format.
Public enumeration SshPublicKeyFormat
Specifies public key file format.
Public enumeration SshState
SSH session state.
Public enumeration SslMode
Specifies TLS/SSL security mode.
Public enumeration TlsBulkCipherAlgorithm
Bulk cipher algorithm.
Public enumeration TlsBulkCipherMode
Bulk cipher algorithm mode.
Public enumeration TlsCertificateAcceptance
Specifies certificate acceptance values.
Public enumeration TlsCertificatePolicy
Specifies the certificate policy for the server sockets.
Public enumeration TlsCipherSuite
Specifies the set of desired cipher suites for TLS.
Public enumeration TlsCompressionMethod
Specifies the compression method.
Public enumeration TlsConnectionEnd
Connection end.
Public enumeration TlsDebugEventGroup
Public enumeration TlsDebugEventSource
Public enumeration TlsDebugEventType
Public enumeration TlsDebugLevel
Public enumeration TlsEllipticCurve
Specifies the set of desired elliptic curves.
Public enumeration TlsKeyExchangeAlgorithm
Specifies the key exchange algorithm.
Public enumeration TlsMacAlgorithm
Specifies the MAC algorithm in use.
Public enumeration TlsOptions
Specifies secure connection options.
Public enumeration TlsProtocol
TLS/SSL protocol version.
Public enumeration TlsVersion
TLS/SSL protocol version flags.
Public enumeration TransferType
Transfer type.
Public enumeration WebSocketCloseStatus
WebSocket close status.
Public enumeration WebSocketError
Defines error codes for WebSocketException class.
Public enumeration WebSocketMessageType
WebSocket message type.
Public enumeration WebSocketState
WebSocket connection state.