Detailed specification of a problem that occurred during the operation.

Namespace:  Rebex.IO.Compression
Assembly:  Rebex.Zip (in Rebex.Zip.dll)


Visual Basic
Public Enumeration ArchiveProblemType
public enum ArchiveProblemType


Member nameDescription
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkFileExists
A target file with the same name already exists.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkLinkDetected
A symbolic link was detected.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkInfiniteLoopDetected
Symbolic link is probably a part of an infinite loop in the file system hierarchy.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCannotCreateDirectory
Cannot create target directory.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCannotProcessFile
Cannot add or extract file.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCannotReadFromDirectory
Cannot read from a directory.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCannotFindFile
Cannot find the file which was found while retrieving hierarchy earlier.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkFileNameIsInvalid
Name of the file is invalid on the target file system. For example, colon is a valid filename character on Unix file systems, but invalid in local Windows file system.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkDirectoryNameIsInvalid
Name of the directory is invalid on the target file system. For example, colon is a valid filename character on Unix file systems, but invalid in local Windows file system.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCannotFindDirectory
Cannot find the directory which was found while retrieving hierarchy earlier.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCannotFindLink
Cannot find the link which was found while retrieving hierarchy earlier.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCannotResolveLink
Link is corrupted or its target cannot be found.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkNotFileOrDirectory
Currently processed item is neither a file nor a directory.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkOperationCanceled
Operation was canceled.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkUnsupportedFeature
Feature not supported (eg. compression method, archive format, archive version).
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCannotDeleteFile
Cannot delete the file.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCannotDeleteDirectory
Cannot delete the directory.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkOperationFailure
Operation failed.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkAnotherOperationPending
Another operation is pending.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCorruptedArchive
Not a ZIP archive or structure of the archive is corrupted.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCrcCheckFailed
CRC check failed.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkItemNotFound
Item on specified path was not found.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkInvalidPath
Specified path is invalid (or used in wrong context).
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCannotDeleteNotEmptyDirectory
Cannot delete directory because it is not empty.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCannotOpenArchiveForWriting
Archive cannot be opened for writing.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIncorrectPasswordOrCorruptedData
Specified password is incorrect or encrypted data is corrupted (or no password was specified).
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkPasswordInconsistence
Specified password cannot be encoded using the ZipArchive.Options.PasswordEncoding.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkInternalError
Internal error.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkDemoExpired
Trial version of Rebex ZIP for .NET has expired.

Version Information

.NET Compact Framework

Supported in: 3.9, 3.5

See Also