Determines the client command requested by the server (ActionRequested event).

Namespace:  Rebex.TerminalEmulation
Assembly:  Rebex.Terminal (in Rebex.Terminal.dll)


Visual Basic
Public Enumeration RequestedAction
public enum RequestedAction


Member nameDescription
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkDisconnectRequest
The server requests the client to disconnect.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkRingBell
Make a bell sound.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkResizeScreen
Resize client screen. Number of character columns of the resized terminal is specified by Number. Number of character rows of the resized terminal is specified by Number2.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkExecuteCommand
Execute a command on the client side. The command is specified by Text. Additional number argument is specified by Number.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIconName
Set the icon name. The name is specified by Text.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkWindowTitle
Set the window title. The title is specified by Text.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkDoubleWidthSingleHeightLine

Set row style to double-width, single-line - whole line (DECDWL). The row number is specified by Number.

See for details.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkDoubleWidthDoubleHeightTopLine

Set row style to double-width, single-height - top half (DECDHL). The row number is specified by Number.

For details see
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkDoubleWidthDoubleHeightBottomLine

Set row style to double-width, double-height - bottom half (DECDHL). The row number is specified by Number.

See for details.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkSingleWidthSingleHeightLine

Set row style to single-width, single-height - whole line (DECSWL). The row number is specified by Number.

See for details.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkInvertScreenColors

Invert colors on screen (DECSCNM - Screen Mode: Light or Dark Screen). The state is specified by Number (zero means reset, non-zero means set).

See for details.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkNewLineMode

Set new line sequence (LNM). The state is specified by Number (zero means reset, non-zero means set).

If LNM is set, client should send CR LF on Enter.
If LNM is reset, client should send CR on Enter.
This can be done using NewLineSequence property.

See for details.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkLocalEcho

Disable local echo (SRM). The state is specified by Number (zero means reset, non-zero means set).

If SRM is set, local echo should be disabled.
If SRM is reset, local echo should be enabled.
This can be done using LocalEcho property.

See for details.
Supported by the .NET Compact FrameworkKeyboardAutoRepeat

Auto Repeat Mode (DECARM). The state is specified by Number (zero means reset, non-zero means set).

See for details.

Version Information

.NET Compact Framework

Supported in: 3.9, 3.5

See Also